The WEllthy woman

For the practitioner who wants to Dig deeper

Master Functional Labs, Get Better Client Results + Grow a Thriving Wellness Practice

… even if you’ve never used functional labs before, or are completely overwhelmed with all the data.

I’m Intrigued…Take Me to the Modules!

scroll on if you're ready 

Yes! I WANT this!

I want to learn more!

Take me to the modules!

This is exactly
what I need!





What if You Could Confidently Leverage Functional Labs to Create Custom Protocols That Actually Work?

And I don’t just mean for one or two cases. I’m talking about mastering a holistic approach to functional lab analysis, so that no matter WHAT you’re presented with, you can cross-reference the results to create a solid understanding of what’s going on with your client or patient. Aaaand create strategic, customized protocols that make sense to BOTH of you.

What if you could…

Improve client follow-through

Witness incredible transformations

Gather glowing testimonials and referrals

Confidently raise your prices

Generate more revenue than ever before

Transform more lives

Feel confident in your value as a practitioner and healer

Stand out in your field

let me ask you this...

Sound too good to be true?

I promise you, this is NOT some pipe dream! Functional Lab Analysis transformed my practice, and it can *absolutely* transform yours too.

You See...Functional Lab Analysis Gives Practitioners an 

It allows us to look under the hood, find the blind spots, and fill in the gaps, so we can create truly custom strategies + protocols that boost client follow-through and accelerate results.

The problem is that most practitioners aren't taught functional lab analysis correctly, so they feel lost and overwhelmed.


most practitioners:

Don’t know how to explain the importance of functional labs to their clients / patients.

Don’t know how to create customized protocols based on their client's / patient's lab results.

Don’t know how to cross reference the results to find out what's *actually* going on .

And so, practitioners often feel frustrated and discouraged when their clients don’t get the results they want.

Have you been there?

I get it because I HAVE. And so have many of my students.

The good news is... we’ve ALL made it to the other side, providing consistent and unparalleled client results, using my signature functional lab strategy.

And YOU can too.

If we haven’t met before…I’m

With over 11 years of experience practicing Naturopathic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, I’ve found that functional labs are *the* most powerful way to get consistent client results and generate more revenue.


BUT the truth is, it’s difficult to get consistent results without knowing how to properly interpret and apply the data in a way that makes sense to you AND to your client.

Which is where so many practitioners get lost. And if that’s you, try not to be too hard on yourself. I don’t know any practitioners who are taught this stuff while getting their functional medicine certification. Let alone in medical school…

It took me years to really *get* it.

Once I adopted a holistic approach, not only did functional lab analysis skyrocket my practice, but I truly believe it set me apart as an authority in the healing space.

This is exactly what I want for you, but in less time, with less guesswork and with more guidance.

Michelle rogers

That’s why I’m thrilled to introduce you to…

Functional Labs Self-Study

Your comprehensive resource for mastering functional lab analysis in a way that gets you unparalleled client results, effortless referrals, and more revenue.

Self-study lab modules

"The lab modules have taken my practice to a whole different level. Before them I was struggling...

through my analysis of any functional tests I was running and not understanding the relationships between all the different data points and what that means for my clients. Now, my protocols are so much more complete and potent. The results my clients are getting speak for themselves!"


transformed her practice

"Understanding how to interpret the labs and being able to create custom...

protocols truly is a game changer! Health information is widely available online, but custom lab interpretation is few and far between. This is what helps set my nutritional practice apart from the others!"


gained competitive edge

"The lab modules are so amazingly streamlined 🙌

with clear cut solutions to personalize protocols for clients. The detail and passion that has gone into developing these modules is palpable and incredibly well done. Your vision, purpose and precision is contagious and admirable! 😍"


Upleveled her skills

My Signature Functional Lab Strategy Breakdown

1. Understand the Functional Approach

Before we talk about applying functional labs, you need to understand the approach and why the tests are important, so you can explain the value to your clients in a way that makes sense.

2. Learn the "ins-and-outs" of Testing

We’ll go over everything you need to know about testing, including additional at-home tests that help you gather more valuable data and improve client participation.

3. Master Streamlined Interpretation + Clinical Application

Learn how to do a thorough yet streamlined interpretation of the tests to save you time and energy. This is where you pick up on things that other practitioners usually miss!

4. Create Effective Customized Protocols

Do you struggle to create customized protocols based on the data? Don’t worry, I give you my signature protocols which you’ll use as a guide to apply the results immediately.

Information is nothing without implementation

It’s time to apply the data from functional labs in a way that makes sense + gets results.

BETTER RESULTS → Committed Clients → More Referrals → Increased Revenue

Committed clients

Better results

More Referrals

Increased Revenue

"I LOVE the WELLthy Woman lab modules. I've been practicing for years...

in natural medicine and never received such a clear-cut method for interpreting and developing treatment based on functional lab results. So excited for the updates."


"This is a total game changer. Just saw a patient who is 2 weeks...

into the Remove Protocol after 30 years of feeling sick, having either liquid stool or 7+ days of constipation. No one told her to remove foods! She's feeling 95% better. I have such a crush on the GI MAP. 😍"


Choose One of the Major Functional Labs Below…

Functional Gut Health 

You'll get

Michelle’s Signature 6R Protocol

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + over 2.5 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Food Sensitivities

You'll get

Michelle’s Signature Food Elimination-Rechallenge Protocol

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + about 2 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Organic Acids

You'll get

Michelle’s Signature Cellular Detox Protocol

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + over 2.5 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Empower your clients by delving deep into their gut health with the GI MAP.

This advanced analysis unveils crucial insights into their gut microbiome and potential pathogens. Complemented by Zonulin assessment, it offers a comprehensive view of gut integrity, a foundational aspect of overall well-being.

Equip yourself with a powerful tool for personalized nutrition planning.

The MRT test helps you uncover current foods + food chemicals that are currently causing irritation and inflammation to your clients' gut lining, enabling you to create tailored dietary recommendations that address inflammation and optimize health outcomes.

Elevate your practice with the Organix Comprehensive test, a holistic metabolic assessment tool.

By analyzing organic acids in urine, you gain valuable insights into nutrient status, detoxification processes, neurotransmitter balance, and more. This data empowers you to design targeted interventions for your clients.

Functional Blood Chemistry

You'll get

Michelle's Customized protocol application

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + over 3.5 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Functional Genomics
The DNA Company

You'll get

Michelle’s Signature Epigenetic Optimization Protocol

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + 2.5 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Hormones + Adrenal

You'll get

Michelle’s Signature Adrenal Restoration Protocol

Reference guides, cheat sheets, therapeutic charts

4 lessons + 2.5 hours of content

Nutrition, lifestyle, & targeted nutrient therapy recommendations

Total Investment


Enhance your hormone and adrenal expertise with the DUTCH Plus test.

This comprehensive analysis provides a thorough evaluation of sex hormones and cortisol patterns. Armed with these insights, you can develop highly personalized strategies to address hormonal imbalances and revitalize your clients' health.

Supercharge your practice with a comprehensive assessment of your clients' blood chemistry.

This in-depth analysis explores key markers, offering a holistic view of their health status.

It provides you with actionable data to create bespoke wellness plans that promote vitality.

Harness the power of genomics in your practice with functional genomics.

By uncovering your clients' unique genetic patterns, this tool illuminates how their genes impact health, metabolism, and susceptibility to specific conditions. Armed with this knowledge, you can craft precision health strategies for long-term optimization.

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

or weekly payments

Functional Lab Self-Study

Functional Lab 

Get lifetime access to all six modules (including future updates!) for a truly holistic learning experience that will transform your wellness practice. 


Stand Out as a True Expert *and* Save $849 When You Grab Them ALL!

VIP Bundle

The Functional Lab

If you want to offer the most powerful transformations for your clients or patients, I recommend getting ALL the modules.

Here’s why:

With over 12 years of experience in the functional lab world, I teach valuable methods of cross-referencing and macroscopic strategies that are best utilized when you have all of the information and data at your fingertips – a truly holistic approach. 

And to help you master the art and science of functional lab analysis, with as much confidence and ease as possible, you’ll also get these bonuses:

VIP BONUS #1: Michelle’s Signature Strategy 

Understand how to confidently combine ALL of the data from the 6 functional labs above to create the most potent therapeutic approach for your clients or patients using my comprehensive signature strategy.

VIP BONUS #2: The Case Study Library 

Get behind-the-scenes access to 20+ case studies that you can use for further learning and implementation by seeing exactly how I used the functional labs above to get life-changing results for my clients.

VIP BONUS #3: compound your investment

If you decide to join us inside The WELLth Academy within 30-days, you can prorate your investment towards your enrollment fee.

Total Value: $4,182+

Your VIP Price: Just $3,333

VIP Bundle

"It was so helpful to see how everything fits together. I learned so much from seeing what test markers and labs to cross reference with others to give a full picture of what is going on. I was always so scared to get into genetics but learning it through the modules made sense to me."

- Lena

"Just got a yes from my first beta client! I'm running 3 tests with her - dutch, gi map, MRT, for 3 months, and she was on board with paying $2,800 in 3 installments. I was definitely nervous about quoting the cost, but I was genuinely set on the idea that this would really help change her life! "

- Rebecca

"The lab modules inside the mentorship increased my confidence in interpreting and applying functional labs by leaps and bounds!"

- Christina

Clear-Cut Methods

Proven Protocols

Lifetime Access

Have you ever felt stuck in information overload when it comes to functional labs? Yeah, me too. That’s why each module offers a comprehensive, step-by-step strategy to apply the data to personalized approaches in a way that gets real results.

Most functional health practitioners (even mentors!) keep their protocols a big secret. To me, this is counter-productive to helping the masses. So, when you jump inside any of the modules, you’ll get exclusive access to my world-class protocols that you can use in your own practice.

Functional labs *do* have a bit of a learning curve… which is why I want you to be able to come back to the lessons whenever you need them. As soon as you hit that “buy now” button, you’ll have access to 100% of the module’s contents + curriculum for life - plus any future updates!

unparalleled value

The Practitioner Promise

Okay, time for some real talk, practitioner to practitioner –

If I were to guess, this probably isn’t the first time you’ve tried to FINALLY get a handle on functional labs. Maybe you’ve already taken a few courses, watched videos online, or gotten *another* certification.

And sure, you “get it”… but when it comes to actually applying functional labs in your practice, you suddenly feel lost and the imposter syndrome kicks into full gear.

I created Functional Labs Self-Study because I don’t want you to spend any more TIME, MONEY, or ENERGY on courses and certifications that don’t teach you how to effectively APPLY the information you’ve learned.

Information is Nothing Without 

Which is why no matter which module you jump inside, I promise to deliver a clear-cut method for interpreting the data from functional labs and developing customized protocols that work.

And I do *know* they work, because I’m handing over my own world-class protocols that I’ve been using for 10+ years and they’ve now been used by over 80 other health practitioners. 😉

THIS is the program that will allow you to FINALLY ditch imposter syndrome + feel confident in your ability to help your clients heal.


With Functional Labs Self-Study, You’ll Get:

Access to my world-class protocols for adrenal restoration, gut healing, detoxification, and epigenetic optimization, so you walk away with protocols that work.

Clarity on how to integrate functional labs as a unique offering, so you can create or uplevel your program or package.

A thorough yet streamlined interpretation of each test, with prominent pattern recognition, so you can save your time and energy while getting results.

Quick reference guides, cheatsheets, and therapeutic charts, so you can apply your upgraded knowledge to your practice immediately.

The inside-scoop on additional at-home tests that confirm your findings and help gather more data, so you and your client can see the full-picture.

Plus, when you’re a VIP, you’ll also get access to my signature functional lab analysis strategy, 20+ successful case studies, and high-level support.

I start my first two beta clients tomorrow. Lab analysis is done. Great learning for me! And the invoice was paid while I was sleeping!  ❤️️

- Kacey

I'm just so excited for the future - so excited for where this is going to take me, what I'm going to create in the future and the impact I'm going to leave. 

- Dimpi

I am happy that I trusted myself and trusted my heart, because thanks to that, I'm able to live the life I've always dreamed of.  😍

- Mar


Ask me anything...

I’m a non-licensed or unlicensed practitioner. Can I still apply this to my practice?

100% *yes*! As long as you have a degree or certification as a practitioner, you can access and order every one of these functional lab tests. And I share exactly how to do it inside each module.

Not certain you qualify? Reach out to me directly at and we’ll figure it out together.

Do I need any other training or certification before beginning the modules?

These modules were created by a health and wellness practitioner for health and wellness practitioners (or advanced health coaches).

As mentioned above, you do not need to be a licensed practitioner to reap the benefits of these modules. However, it is recommended that you have some sort of experience working with clients or patients.

Being that we go over therapeutic protocols and this is a self-study course, there will be a BIG learning curve if you don’t have any clinical experience. 

What if I need more support with functional labs?

Each module provides a comprehensive step-by-step breakdown for understanding, interpreting, and applying functional labs. But they *are* self-study.

If you think you might need more support, I recommend exploring The WELLth Academy, where you can get continued support with functional labs, PLUS online practice coaching. 

If I purchase just one, will I be able to master a holistic approach to functional labs?

In short, yes! Every module thoroughly teaches a holistic approach to functional lab analysis – one that allows you to examine the results, explain them in a way that makes sense to your client or patients, and create customized protocols.

With that said, I recommend getting all 6 labs to build the *most* comprehensive understanding of functional lab analysis. I teach valuable methods of cross-referencing and macroscopic strategies that are best used when you have ALL of the data. (Plus, you’re saving over $800 this way!)

Do I have to work with private clients to benefit from this program?

Nope! It doesn’t matter whether you work with clients, patients or group programs – either way, mastering functional lab analysis will help you get reliable results and feel confident as an expert in your field, enhancing your reputation and value.

And let's be honest, having confidence in your ability to get your patients the results they want is priceless.

What if I don't live in the United States, or have clients abroad? 

We are always expanding our resources + contacts outside the U.S. Currently, we have accessibility to order tests in Canada, Europe and Central/South America. 

Have another question I didn’t answer here?
Send a quick message to
My team and I will get back to you ASAP!

Have another question I didn’t answer here? 
Send a quick message to
My team and I will get back to you ASAP!

Functional Labs Self-Study is Perfect For…

Naturopathic Doctors
Functional Physicians
Nurse Practitioners
Holistic Nutritionists
Physician Assistants
Advanced Health Coaches

With a virtual OR brick-and-mortar practice…

Who are ready to ditch imposter syndrome + become known as the practitioner who gets results when nobody else can. 🔥🔥🔥

you in?

Functional Gut Health 

Total Investment


Food Sensitivities

Total Investment


Organic Acids

Total Investment


Choose One of the Major Functional Labs Below to Start



or $247 x3

or weekly payments

Hormones + Adrenal

Total Investment


Functional Blood Chemistry

Total Investment


Functional Genomics
The DNA Company

Total Investment





Functional Lab Self-Study

Functional Lab 

Get lifetime access to all six modules (including future updates!) for a truly holistic learning experience that will transform your wellness practice. 


Stand Out as a True Expert *and* Save over $800 When You Get Them ALL!

VIP Bundle

The Functional Lab

* Recommended for the most transformative results *

BONUS #1: Michelle’s Signature Strategy

BONUS #2: The Case Study Library

BONUS #3: Prorate Your Investment (Join Us Inside The WELLth Academy!)

Total Value: $4,182+

Your VIP Price: Just $3,333

VIP Bundle